WordPress caching

Serve millions of daily page views

Fast. Affordable. No extra hardware required.

We have developed our own WordPress caching CDN that will cache your WordPress blog content and serve it fast to your end users. Our cache edge nodes offer high performance and can easily serve hundreds of millions cached page views.

This is a fully managed service and also comes with static content CDN options.
Current locations include Dallas, TX; New York, NY; Silicon Valley, CA; Atlanta, GA; Netherlands; United Kingdom and other cache edge locations.

WordPress caching plans

Please inquiry for more details and available custom options. Requires a custom plugin for best performance and cache control.

Bronze plan

1TB transfer
1TB of static CDN transfer
5 million page views

Silver plan

5TB transfer
5TB of static CDN transfer
20 million page views

Gold plan

20TB transfer
20TB of static CDN transfer
50 million page views